ScreenCam does not need any root access to record your screen and works on all phones with Android Lollipop 5.0 and above.
You can also record audio along with the screen recording and get it beautifully combined with recorded video.
Choose from different resolutions, frames per second and bitrate for the best choice of quality and size of the video or make use of the app shortcut in android 7.1 nougat or in any custom launcher supporting app shortcuts. There are no ads or any price attached to it. ScreenCam is the best lightweight and functional screen recorder available on the market.
You can also pause or resume the recording seamlessly (currently only works on Android Nougat 7.0 and above) and an option to change the save directory.
• No ads (duh! who likes them anyway?)
• Works without root
• Works on Lollipop 5.0 and above
• Choose between different bitrates/resolution/FPS
• Record audio from mic
• Custom storage folder
• Floating Controls!
• Clean and light UI
• Ability to pause and resume recording from notification actions or floating controls (pause/resume works only on 7.0+ currently)
• In-app video trimmer
• Internal Audio recording (requires root and magisk module)
• Camera overlay for recording
• SystemUI demo mode (requires root)
The best of all, its Open Sourced! You can obtain the source code at and you could also contribute to the project.
If you have any questions join the ScreenCam Telegram group to get chat support:
Permissions Explained
• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Required to save the recorded video
• RECORD_AUDIO - Required to record audio through mic if enabled
• ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Required to check if network connection is available
• INTERNET - Required to transmit optional anonymous crash reports and usage (Read privacy policy to know more)
• SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW - Required to show floating menu
• FOREGROUND_SERVICE - Required for showing an on-going notification while recording
• CAMERA - Required for camera overlay
Any feature request, suggestion, bug report or feedback can be sent to
ScreenCam tidak memerlukan akses root untuk merekam layar Anda dan berfungsi pada semua ponsel dengan Android Lollipop 5.0 dan di atasnya.
Anda juga dapat merekam audio bersamaan dengan perekaman layar dan menggabungkannya dengan video yang direkam dengan indah.
Pilih dari berbagai resolusi, bingkai per detik dan bitrate untuk pilihan kualitas dan ukuran video terbaik atau gunakan pintasan aplikasi di android 7.1 nougat atau di peluncur khusus yang mendukung pintasan aplikasi. Tidak ada iklan atau harga apa pun yang melekat padanya. ScreenCam adalah perekam layar ringan dan fungsional terbaik yang tersedia di pasar.
Anda juga dapat menjeda atau melanjutkan perekaman dengan mulus (saat ini hanya berfungsi pada Android Nougat 7.0 dan yang lebih tinggi) dan opsi untuk mengubah direktori penyimpanan.
• Tidak ada iklan (ya! Siapa sih yang suka?)
• Bekerja tanpa root
• Bekerja pada Lollipop 5.0 ke atas
• Pilih antara bitrate / resolusi / FPS yang berbeda
• Rekam audio dari mic
• Folder penyimpanan khusus
• Kontrol Mengambang!
• UI bersih dan ringan
• Kemampuan untuk menjeda dan melanjutkan perekaman dari tindakan pemberitahuan atau kontrol mengambang (jeda / melanjutkan hanya berfungsi pada 7,0+ saat ini)
• Pemangkas video dalam aplikasi
• Perekaman Audio Internal (membutuhkan modul root dan magisk)
• Hamparan kamera untuk perekaman
• Mode demo SystemUI (membutuhkan root)
Yang terbaik dari semuanya, Open Source! Anda dapat memperoleh kode sumber di dan Anda juga dapat berkontribusi pada proyek.
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, bergabunglah dengan grup ScreenCam Telegram untuk mendapatkan dukungan obrolan:
Izin Dijelaskan
• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Diperlukan untuk menyimpan video yang direkam
• RECORD_AUDIO - Diperlukan untuk merekam audio melalui mikrofon jika diaktifkan
• ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Diperlukan untuk memeriksa apakah koneksi jaringan tersedia
• INTERNET - Diperlukan untuk mengirimkan laporan kerusakan dan penggunaan anonim opsional (Baca kebijakan privasi untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut)
• SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW - Diperlukan untuk menampilkan menu mengambang
• FOREGROUND_SERVICE - Diperlukan untuk menampilkan pemberitahuan yang sedang berlangsung saat merekam
• KAMERA - Diperlukan untuk hamparan kamera
Setiap permintaan fitur, saran, laporan bug atau umpan balik dapat dikirim ke
ScreenCam does not need any root access to record your screen and works on all phones with Android Lollipop 5.0 and above.
You can also record audio along with the screen recording and get it beautifully combined with recorded video.
Choose from different resolutions, frames per second and bitrate for the best choice of quality and size of the video or make use of the app shortcut in android 7.1 nougat or in any custom launcher supporting app shortcuts. There are no ads or any price attached to it. ScreenCam is the best lightweight and functional screen recorder available on the market.
You can also pause or resume the recording seamlessly (currently only works on Android Nougat 7.0 and above) and an option to change the save directory.
• No ads (duh! who likes them anyway?)
• Works without root
• Works on Lollipop 5.0 and above
• Choose between different bitrates/resolution/FPS
• Record audio from mic
• Custom storage folder
• Floating Controls!
• Clean and light UI
• Ability to pause and resume recording from notification actions or floating controls (pause/resume works only on 7.0+ currently)
• In-app video trimmer
• Internal Audio recording (requires root and magisk module)
• Camera overlay for recording
• SystemUI demo mode (requires root)
The best of all, its Open Sourced! You can obtain the source code at and you could also contribute to the project.
If you have any questions join the ScreenCam Telegram group to get chat support:
Permissions Explained
• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Required to save the recorded video
• RECORD_AUDIO - Required to record audio through mic if enabled
• ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Required to check if network connection is available
• INTERNET - Required to transmit optional anonymous crash reports and usage (Read privacy policy to know more)
• SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW - Required to show floating menu
• FOREGROUND_SERVICE - Required for showing an on-going notification while recording
• CAMERA - Required for camera overlay
Any feature request, suggestion, bug report or feedback can be sent to